Traditional solar panel technology and traditional Air-conditioning & Refrigeration means a room full of batteries & panels. With AVP technology each AC is powered directly by 3 Solar Panels, or a mix of panels and turbine, plus a moderately sized battery that gives backup of 6-24 hours! Save Space & Cost, we’re one call away!
Sustainably power your Home or Business using diverse renewable energy sources like wind, water, solar & thermal. Get rewarded with benefits like energy savings, fuel efficiencies and a clean energy ecosystem!
Solar Panels that Power Savings! Electrify your homes with beautifully functional rooftop solar panels, that collect energy in daytime & charge the batteries for the night! Save fuel costs with this advanced Hybrid technology!
Image Credit - TESLA
Produce clean, emissions-free electricity for individual homes, farms, and small businesses, using wind-powered Micro-turbines thereby saving energy costs and conserving the environment.